

1 Igakya Igara 2x black 70 supreme Cities of Intuition, Witherings
2 Kim-kol Igara 1x black 260 excellent Void, Witherings
3 Izakoo Izam 2x black 220 supreme Abyss of Ichor
4 Izam destructeur Izam 1x black 110 choice Winds of Muse, Aeden Aqueous
5 Izaketh Izam 2x black 170 supreme Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
6 Yberkan Yber 2x black 120 supreme Winds of Muse, Aeden Aqueous
7 Corrah Yber 1x black 160 excellent Fount, Aeden Aqueous


1 Clopper égorgeur Clopper 1x black 210 choice Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
2 Clopperketh Clopper 2x black 120 supreme Oflovak's Oasis, Burning Desert
3 Nekothus Clopper 1x black 210 excellent Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
4 Clopper destructeur Clopper 1x black 60 choice Liberty Lake, Aeden Aqueous
5 Cuttler égorgeur Cuttler 1x black 160 choice Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
6 Cuttlekin Cuttler 2x black 220 supreme Nexus Minor
7 Cuttler ravageur Cuttler 1x black 260 choice Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
8 Zatchel Cuttler 1x black 260 excellent Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
9 Spurlah Cuttler 1x black 210 excellent Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
10 Freneq Gingo 1x black 160 excellent Haven of Purity, Witherings
11 Maniah Gingo 1x black 210 excellent Grove of Umbra, Witherings
12 Ginkin Gingo 2x black 220 supreme Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
13 Torrius Gingo 1x black 160 excellent Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights
14 Skoff Gingo 1x black 110 excellent Fleeting Garden, Verdant Heights
15 Goakan Goari 2x black 270 supreme Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
16 Goaketh Goari 2x black 170 supreme Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
17 Hornkoo Horncher 2x black 170 supreme Windy Gate, Lands of Umbra
18 Horncher ravageur Horncher 1x black 210 choice Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
19 Horncher destructeur Horncher 1x black 210 choice Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
20 Jugula ravageur Jugula 1x black 260 choice Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
21 Jugukoo Jugula 2x black 270 supreme Land of Continuity, Wastelands
22 Vulca Jugula 1x black 260 excellent Land of Continuity, Wastelands
23 Najab destructeur Najab 1x black 260 choice Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
24 Najab destructeur Najab 1x black 210 choice Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
25 Bajam Najab 1x black 260 excellent Void, Witherings
26 Najakya Najab 2x black 170 supreme Haven of Purity, Witherings
27 Najakoo Najab 2x black 220 supreme Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
28 Fijoo Najab 1x black 260 excellent Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
29 Dgambi Najab 1x black 160 excellent Fount, Aeden Aqueous
30 Skellop Ocyx 1x black 210 excellent Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
31 Ocyx ravageur Ocyx 1x black 210 choice Nexus Minor
32 Ocyx dominant Ocyx 2x black 30 fine Lands to Explore
33 Ocyx égorgeur Ocyx 1x black 210 choice Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
34 Ocyketh Ocyx 2x black 220 supreme Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
35 Ragus destructeur Ragus 1x black 160 choice Fount, Aeden Aqueous
36 Ragus démolisseur Ragus 1x black 110 choice Maiden Grove, Witherings
37 Ragukya Ragus 2x black 70 supreme
38 Ragukin Ragus 2x black 270 supreme Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
39 Ragukoo Ragus 2x black 270 supreme Land of Continuity, Wastelands
40 Toler Ragus 1x black 210 excellent Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
41 Wyac Torbak 1x black 210 excellent Nexus Minor
42 Torbak démolisseur Torbak 1x black 110 choice Maiden Grove, Witherings
43 Torkan Torbak 2x black 220 supreme Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
44 Vispa Torbak 1x black 260 excellent Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
45 Torbak destructeur Torbak 1x black 210 choice Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
46 Zaber Torbak 1x black 210 excellent Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
47 Fylish Torbak 1x black 210 excellent Knot of Dementia, Witherings
48 Torbak ravageur Torbak 1x black 210 choice Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
49 Slucer Torbak 1x black 260 excellent Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
50 Spinah Torbak 1x black 110 excellent Maiden Grove, Witherings
51 Tyrakoo Tyrancha 2x black 270 supreme Sunken City, Wastelands
52 Ryx Tyrancha 1x black 260 excellent Under Spring
53 Dhar-Teeh Tyrancha 1x black 210 excellent Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
54 Tyrancha égorgeur Tyrancha 1x black 210 choice Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
55 Slyk Varinx 1x black 210 excellent Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
56 Varykoo Varinx 2x black 220 supreme Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
57 Tennyx Varinx 1x black 210 excellent Outlaw Canyon, Burning Desert
58 Varinx égorgeur Varinx 1x black 160 choice Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
59 Blacosis Varinx 1x black 160 excellent Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
60 Raj Vorax 1x black 260 excellent Under Spring
61 Vorkoo Vorax 2x black 270 supreme Under Spring
62 Yetin ravageur Yetin 1x black 210 choice Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
63 Yetin ravageur Yetin 1x black 260 choice Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
64 Yetikya Yetin 2x black 270 supreme Void, Witherings
65 Wylin Zerx 1x black 160 excellent Gate of Obscurity, Lands of Umbra
66 Gar-Lo Zerx 1x black 160 excellent Haven of Purity, Witherings
67 Gullie Zerx 1x black 160 excellent Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
68 Poncha Zerx 1x black 260 excellent Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
69 Zerkoo Zerx 2x black 170 supreme Gate of Obscurity, Lands of Umbra


1 Cratcha ravageur Cratcha 1x black 210 choice Nexus Minor
2 Cratchakin Cratcha 2x black 220 supreme Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
3 Jukoo Jubla 2x black 270 supreme Forbidden Depths, Wastelands
4 Psykokoo Psykopla 2x black 270 supreme Land of Continuity, Wastelands
5 Psykokin Psykopla 2x black 120 supreme Fleeting Garden, Verdant Heights
6 Shooketh Shooki 2x black 270 supreme Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
7 Slavekya Slaveni 2x black 220 supreme Knot of Dementia, Witherings
8 Stinkan Stinga 2x black 270 supreme Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous


1 Aranakin Arana 2x black 270 supreme Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
2 Aranaketh Arana 2x black 220 supreme Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
3 Tarron Arana 1x black 210 excellent Outlaw Canyon, Burning Desert
4 Tron Arma 1x black 210 excellent Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
5 Manda Arma 1x black 260 excellent Void, Witherings
6 Hisserto Arma 1x black 110 excellent Fleeting Garden, Verdant Heights
7 Arma démolisseur Arma 1x black 260 choice Void, Witherings
8 Armkoo Arma 2x black 220 supreme Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
9 Bawaab ravageur Bawaab 2x black 160 choice Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights
10 Bawakya Bawaab 2x black 120 supreme Maiden Grove, Witherings
11 Quadon Bawaab 1x black 160 excellent Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights
12 Gormac Bodoc 1x black 160 excellent Windy Gate, Lands of Umbra
13 Bodoc ravageur Bodoc 1x black 60 choice Majestic Garden, Verdant Heights
14 Glump Bodoc 1x black 210 excellent Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
15 Bodokin Bodoc 2x black 70 supreme Majestic Garden, Verdant Heights
16 Bolkin Bolobi 2x black 220 supreme Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
17 Lobbin Bolobi 1x black 210 excellent Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
18 Niobi Bolobi 1x black 260 excellent Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
19 Capryketh Capryni 2x black 70 supreme Imperial Dunes, Burning Desert
20 Caprykan Capryni 2x black 170 supreme Fount, Aeden Aqueous
21 Runroy Capryni 1x black 110 excellent Winds of Muse, Aeden Aqueous
22 Ferryni Capryni 1x black 160 excellent Haven of Purity, Witherings
23 Cray dominant Cray 2x black 35 fine Lands to Explore
24 Tin-bok-haï Cray 1x black 210 excellent Grove of Umbra, Witherings
25 Craykan Cray 2x black 220 supreme Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
26 Crimp Cray 1x black 160 excellent Fount, Aeden Aqueous
27 Gnoof ravageur Gnoof 1x black 210 choice Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
28 Gnookin Gnoof 2x black 220 supreme Nexus Minor
29 Gubani démolisseur Gubani 1x black 260 choice Void, Witherings
30 Gubakoo Gubani 2x black 220 supreme Abyss of Ichor
31 Harini Gubani 1x black 210 excellent Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
32 Lumpkoo Lumper 2x black 170 supreme Gate of Obscurity, Lands of Umbra
33 Budaï Lumper 1x black 260 excellent Sunken City, Wastelands
34 Spyker Lumper 1x black 160 excellent Gate of Obscurity, Lands of Umbra
35 Godgin Lumper 1x black 210 excellent Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
36 Ibakus Lumper 1x black 60 excellent Burning Desert
37 Madakoo Madakam 2x black 270 supreme Under Spring
38 Madakin Madakam 2x black 220 supreme Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
39 Muncham Madakam 1x black 260 excellent Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
40 Madakam démolisseur Madakam 1x black 210 choice Knot of Dementia, Witherings
41 Mektoub ravageur Mektoub 1x black 110 choice Fleeting Garden, Verdant Heights
42 Bukah Mektoub 1x black 260 excellent Sunken City, Wastelands
43 Mekoo Mektoub 2x black 270 supreme Forbidden Depths, Wastelands
44 Buntah Mektoub 1x black 160 excellent Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
45 Kussok Mektoub 1x black 110 excellent Oflovak's Oasis, Burning Desert
46 Norse Mektoub 1x black 210 excellent Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
47 Messab démolisseur Messab 1x black 160 choice Haven of Purity, Witherings
48 Messakan Messab 2x black 70 supreme Liberty Lake, Aeden Aqueous
49 Zoann Messab 1x black 60 excellent Cities of Intuition, Witherings
50 Plodeketh Ploderos 2x black 220 supreme Outlaw Canyon, Burning Desert
51 Plodekya Ploderos 2x black 270 supreme Void, Witherings
52 Dolak Ploderos 1x black 260 excellent Void, Witherings
53 Ploderos ravageur Ploderos 1x black 210 choice Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
54 Ploderos démolisseur Ploderos 1x black 260 choice
55 Rucca Raspal 1x black 160 excellent Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
56 Raspaketh Raspal 2x black 170 supreme Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
57 Rendoketh Rendor 2x black 220 supreme Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
58 Rendokin Rendor 2x black 170 supreme Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights
59 Rendor égorgeur Rendor 2x black 110 choice
60 Bingle Rendor 1x black 110 excellent Oflovak's Oasis, Burning Desert
61 Shalaketh Shalah 2x black 270 supreme Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
62 Shalakan Shalah 2x black 220 supreme Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
63 Shinkah Shalah 1x black 210 excellent Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
64 Utasha Shalah 1x black 260 excellent Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
65 Fimpon Timari 1x black 210 excellent Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
66 Timkya Timari 2x black 170 supreme Haven of Purity, Witherings
67 Wombakan Wombai 2x black 270 supreme Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
68 Wombaï destructeur Wombai 1x black 260 choice Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
69 Wombakya Wombai 2x black 220 supreme Grove of Umbra, Witherings
70 Mombi Wombai 1x black 210 excellent Knot of Dementia, Witherings
71 Sadichi Yelk 1x black 260 excellent Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
72 Mukah Yelk 1x black 210 excellent Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
73 Yelk égorgeur Yelk 1x black 60 choice Burning Desert
74 Yelkoo Yelk 2x black 270 supreme Sunken City, Wastelands
75 Weebil Yelk 1x black 260 excellent Under Spring
76 Minyon Yelk 1x black 260 excellent Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
77 Yelk ravageur Yelk 1x black 210 choice Nexus Minor
78 Thompor Yelk 1x black 210 excellent Nexus Minor
79 Ora Yubo 1x black 60 excellent Majestic Garden, Verdant Heights
80 Yubo destructeur Yubo 1x black 60 choice Liberty Lake, Aeden Aqueous


1 Javkin Javing 2x black 170 supreme Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights
2 Lerang Javing 1x black 160 excellent Knoll of Dissent, Verdant Heights


1 Kiban égorgeur Kiban 1x black 260 choice Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
2 Kiban égorgeur Kiban 1x black 160 choice Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
3 Kibakoo Kiban 2x black 270 supreme Sunken City, Wastelands
4 Naka Kiban 1x black 260 excellent Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
5 Kiban démolisseur Kiban 1x black 210 choice Knot of Dementia, Witherings
6 Lector Kiban 1x black 260 excellent Sunken City, Wastelands
7 Zoonen Kiban 1x black 210 excellent Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
8 Lerching Kiban 1x black 210 excellent Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
9 Tooroy Kiban 1x black 260 excellent Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
10 Kidikoo Kidinak 2x black 220 supreme Abyss of Ichor
11 Cherkin Kincher 1x black 210 excellent Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
12 Kincher démolisseur Kincher 1x black 160 choice Haven of Purity, Witherings
13 Kincher égorgeur Kincher 1x black 210 choice Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
14 Kinitch Kincher 1x black 210 excellent Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
15 Rippa Kincher 1x black 260 excellent Abyss of Ichor
16 Kincher ravageur Kincher 1x black 210 choice Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
17 Daï-den Kincher 1x black 260 excellent Void, Witherings
18 Kincher destructeur Kincher 1x black 160 choice Fount, Aeden Aqueous
19 Gerder Kincher 1x black 260 excellent Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
20 Chaghan Kincher 1x black 210 excellent Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
21 Kincherkan Kincher 2x black 170 supreme Fount, Aeden Aqueous
22 Kincherkya Kincher 2x black 170 supreme
23 Kinkoo Kinrey 2x black 270 supreme Forbidden Depths, Wastelands
24 Kinrey égorgeur Kinrey 1x black 210 choice Dunes of Exile, Burning Desert
25 Dunka Kipee 1x black 160 excellent Windy Gate, Lands of Umbra
26 Kipee égorgeur Kipee 1x black 160 choice Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
27 Klops Kipee 1x black 210 excellent Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
28 Kipee exterminateur Kipee 1x black 260 choice
29 Kipee égorgeur Kipee 1x black 260 choice Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
30 Kipee démolisseur Kipee 1x black 210 choice Knot of Dementia, Witherings
31 Kipee ravageur Kipee 1x black 210 choice Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
32 Peeketh Kipee 1x black 160 excellent Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
33 Cetra Kipee 1x black 260 excellent Land of Continuity, Wastelands
34 Kipeeketh Kipee 2x black 270 supreme Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
35 Kipeekoo Kipee 2x black 220 supreme Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
36 Kritter Kipee 1x black 210 excellent Enchanted Isle, Aeden Aqueous
37 Kipesta démolisseur Kipesta 1x black 210 choice Grove of Umbra, Witherings
38 Kipesta égorgeur Kipesta 2x black 160 choice Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
39 Kipeskoo Kipesta 2x black 270 supreme Under Spring
40 Kipesta démolisseur Kipesta 1x black 260 choice Void, Witherings
41 Voole Kipesta 1x black 160 excellent Gate of Obscurity, Lands of Umbra
42 Zinch Kipesta 1x black 260 excellent Forbidden Depths, Wastelands
43 Kipeskan Kipesta 2x black 170 supreme
44 Kipucka égorgeur Kipucka 1x black 260 choice Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
45 Kinagor Kipucka 1x black 210 excellent Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
46 Pankom Kipucka 1x black 210 excellent Grove of Umbra, Witherings
47 Pakuh Kipucka 1x black 260 excellent Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
48 Kipucka démolisseur Kipucka 1x black 210 choice Knot of Dementia, Witherings
49 Korzin Kipucka 1x black 210 excellent Elusive Forest, Lands of Umbra
50 Kinagor Kipucka 1x black 210 excellent Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
51 Kipucka ravageur Kipucka 1x black 210 choice Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
52 Kipucka exterminateur Kipucka 1x black 210 choice
53 Kipuketh Kipucka 2x black 220 supreme Outlaw Canyon, Burning Desert
54 Wikkah Kirosta 1x black 260 excellent Abyss of Ichor
55 Nymton Kirosta 1x black 260 excellent Scorched Corridor, Burning Desert
56 Staro Kirosta 1x black 210 excellent Knot of Dementia, Witherings
57 Roner Kirosta 1x black 210 excellent Trench of Trials, Lands of Umbra
58 Tramo Kirosta 1x black 210 excellent Hidden Source, Verdant Heights
59 Kirosta destructeur Kirosta 1x black 260 choice Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
60 Kirosta dominant Kirosta 2x black 50 fine Lands to Explore
61 Kirokya Kirosta 2x black 270 supreme Void, Witherings
62 Kizokoo Kizoar 2x black 270 supreme
63 Kizoar ravageur Kizoar 1x black 260 choice Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
64 Zorak Kizoar 1x black 210 excellent Outlaw Canyon, Burning Desert
65 Kizokin Kizoar 2x black 270 supreme Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights
66 Razoa Kizoar 1x black 210 excellent Upper Bog, Verdant Heights
67 Razing Kizoar 1x black 210 excellent Knot of Dementia, Witherings
68 Kizoar ravageur Kizoar 1x black 110 choice Fleeting Garden, Verdant Heights
69 Tang-ka Kizoar 1x black 110 excellent Maiden Grove, Witherings

Primitive Tribes

1 Cute destructeur Cute 1x black 260 choice Lagoons of Loria, Aeden Aqueous
2 Cute destructeur Cute 1x black 160 choice Fount, Aeden Aqueous
3 Doren Cute 1x black 110 excellent Winds of Muse, Aeden Aqueous
4 Cukan Cute 2x black 220 supreme Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
5 Cute destructeur Cute 1x black 210 choice Bounty Beaches, Aeden Aqueous
6 Cukoo Cute 2x black 170 supreme Lands of Umbra
7 Scythe Frahar 1x black 160 excellent Sawdust Mines, Burning Desert
8 Fraketh Frahar 2x black 170 supreme Frahar Towers, Burning Desert
9 Heffah Frahar 1x black 210 excellent Savage Dunes, Burning Desert
10 Frahar égorgeur Frahar 1x black 210 choice
11 Gibbaï démolisseur Gibbai 1x black 210 choice Grove of Umbra, Witherings
12 Gibbakin Gibbai 2x black 220 supreme Heretic's Hovel, Verdant Heights
13 Mahi Gibbai 1x black 210 excellent Nexus Minor
14 Gibbakya Gibbai 2x black 220 supreme Grove of Umbra, Witherings
15 Jinbaï Gibbai 1x black 210 excellent Knot of Dementia, Witherings
16 Gibbaï ravageur Gibbai 1x black 260 choice Grove of Confusion, Verdant Heights