Damage type done by every creature on Atys (by Sidusar)
link to original http://ryzom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=231433&postcount=6
And now for the second part; the damage type done by every creature on Atys. Damage was gathered by wearing q10 light armor with different max resistances to all damages (6 to slash, 7 to blunt and 8 to pierce) and allowing the creature to take a few swings at me. Reason I used q10 armor was to make sure the damage reduction would be determined by the max vs values rather than by the protection factor (though for yubos those max vs values were still too high and I had to fight Ora to get a result).
Animals arana: blunt arma: blunt bawaab: blunt bodoc: blunt bolobi: pierce capryni: pierce clopper: slash cray: blunt cuttler: pierce frippo: slash gingo: slash gnoof: blunt goari: slash gubani: blunt horncher: pierce igara: slash izam: pierce javing: pierce jugula: slash lumper: blunt madakam: blunt mektoub: blunt messab: blunt najab: blunt ocyx: pierce ploderos: blunt ragus: slash raspal: pierce rendor: blunt shalah: pierce timari: slash torbak: pierce tyrancha: pierce varinx: slash vorax: slash wombai: pierce yber: pierce yelk: blunt yetin: pierce yubo: slash zerx: slash Primates cute: blunt frahar: blunt gibbaï: blunt Plants cratcha: pierce jubla: blunt psykopla: no physical attack shooki: blunt slaveni: slash stinga: no physical attack Kitin kiban: pierce kidinak: slash kincher: pierce kinrey: pierce kipee: pierce kipesta: pierce kipucka: pierce kirosta: pierce kizoar: pierce kizarak: pierce