

Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks ready for a fight.
target Oshido finds Soma has a belligerent temperament.
self Oshido is in obvious disagreement with himself.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido thinks someone is careless, but doesn't name anybody.
target Oshido wants to know how Soma could be so careless.
self Oshido shrugs carelessly.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido glances around.
target Oshido speaks disdainfully to Soma.
self Oshido doesn't like patronizing people.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido scowls scornfully.
target Oshido despises Soma profoundly.
self Oshido despises everything.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido isn't a coward.
target Oshido calls Soma a coward.
self Oshido trembles, and looks for something to hide behind.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido goes crazy.
target Oshido believes Soma is crazy.
self Oshido is crazy, but everybody knows it.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks ready to destroy everything.
target Oshido warns Soma with a destructive attitude.
self Oshido throws things around, becomes agitated, and is in a destructive mood.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is disappointed with the audience.
target Oshido stares at Soma disdainfully
self Oshido belives you are all unworthy of him.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is dismayed. This wasn'tsupposed to go like this.
target Oshido seems dismayed by Soma's behaviour.
self Oshido is dismayed by his own behaviour. This was not what he was expecting.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido blushes, embarassed.
target Oshido is embarrassed by Soma.
self Oshido is embarassed.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is furious, watch out.
target Oshido steams with rage against Soma.
self Oshido steams with rage.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido grouches, grumpily.
target Oshido is grumpy to Soma.
self Oshido isn't in a great mood. Are you sure you want to proceed?
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido own up to being guilty.
target Oshido looks at Soma with a guilty look on the face.
self Oshido confesses, "I did it."
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido puts on haughty air.
target Oshido looks Soma up and down haughtily.
self Oshido would never stoop so low as you
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is looking for some company.
target Oshido keeps Soma company.
self Oshido is so lonely he is talking to himself.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido's face displays an expression of profound hatred.
target Oshido observes Soma malevolently.
self Oshido is capable of doing very bad things.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido tries to sow the seeds of discord.
target Oshido provokes Soma maliciously.
self Oshido really meant to be malicious.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is really mean.
target Oshido is mean to Soma.
self Oshido is the meanest homin around.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is up to something.
target Oshido smiles mischieveously at Soma.
self Oshido has dirty trick in mind, and a plan at hand.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido progresses nervously.
target Oshido tells Soma he is making him nervous.
self Oshido is naturally nervous.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido gets quarrelsome.
target Oshido carries on the discusion with Soma peevishly.
self Oshido is known for his mood swings.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido seems to prompt a rebellion.
target Oshido tries to get Soma to rebel.
self Oshido decides to become a rebel, perhaps with a cause.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks around sadly.
target Oshido shakes his head sadly at Soma.
self Oshido could use a hug.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido trembles, just a bit scared.
target Oshido is scared of Soma.
self Oshido scares himself. Boo!
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido suddenly looks sheepish.
target Oshido looks sheepishly at Soma.
self Oshido moves his feet sheepish.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is not saying much.
target Oshido glances shyly at Soma.
self Oshido mumbles quietly about being very shy.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido needs to take it out on someone.
target Oshido will do everything to hurt Soma's feelings.
self Oshido is simply spiteful.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks around stubbornly.
target Oshido stubbornly looks at Soma.
self Oshido is stubborn, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido screams with pain.
target Oshido wants Soma to know how much he makes him suffer.
self Oshido lets everyone know he is in pain.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks at everyone suspiciously.
target Oshido looks at Soma suspiciously.
self Oshido looks at everyone suspiciously.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido is complaining.
target Oshido complains to Soma.
self Oshido complains to no one in particular, but knows it won't help.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido has a wicked appearance.
target Oshido thinks Soma is really wicked.
self Oshido couldn't be more wicked if he tried.
Negative, Attitude
none Oshido looks wistfully into the distance.
target Oshido looks wistfully at Soma.
self Oshido sighs wistfully, lost in thought.


Negative, Gesture
none Oshido looks ready to start something.
target Oshido stares at Soma with an aggressive look.
self Oshido isn't in the mood to back down.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido stares coldly.
target Oshido looks at Soma coldly.
self Oshido is cold as ice.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido makes a crude gesture to everyone.
target Oshido makes a crude gesture to Soma.
self Oshido makes a few crude comments about himself.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido screws up his eyes, revealing an unusual expression of cruelty.
target Oshido provokes Soma with cruelty.
self Oshido teases, torments, and provokes. How cruel!
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido is on the defensive.
target Oshido gets defensive towards Soma.
self Oshido defends himself.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido faces certain death. Forward!
target Oshido informs Soma of his coming death.
self Oshido wants to have a little fun before he dies.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido is disgusted.
target Oshido is disgusted at Soma.
self Oshido is disgusted at himself.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido rubs his hands together evilly.
target Oshido smiles evilly at Soma.
self Oshido thinks him is evil.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido laughs hysterically.
target Oshido slaps Soma, who has become hysterical.
self Oshido goes into hysterical.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido adopts an imploring attitude.
target Oshido begs Soma to stop.
self Oshido isn't too proud to beg.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido imitates the people around him.
target Oshido ridicules Soma, imitating all her gestures.
self Oshido plays the fool with a perfect impression of himself.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido cries ouch.
target Oshido sees Soma suffering.
self Oshido is injured, adn yes, it hurts.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido panics.
target Oshido panics, right in front of Soma.
self Oshido is panic-stricken.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido strikes a provocative pose.
target Oshido attempts to provoke Soma.
self Oshido is fairly easy to provoke at the moment.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido chokes rudely with laughter.
target Oshido aims a rude gesture at Soma.
self Oshido isn't paying attention to you. How rude.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido looks ready to scold someone.
target Oshido scolds Soma harshly.
self Oshido scolds himself. "I'm not a nice person."
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido sighs.
target Oshido sighs loudly when facing Soma.
self Oshido softly sighs.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido calls for silence.
target Oshido signals to Soma. Hush.
self Oshido did not say anything.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido gets ready to smack someone.
target Oshido smacks Soma.
self Oshido smacks himself, then realizes that hurts and stops.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido apologizes.
target Oshido is sorry, Soma. Please forgive him?
self Oshido is sincerely sorry.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido is feeling dizzy
target Soma makes Oshido sick.
self Oshido keels over.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido provokes the crowd.
target Oshido provokes Soma.
self Oshido provokes himself and as a result he is intimidated.
Negative, Gesture
none Oshido recoils in horror, terrified.
target Oshido looks at Soma with his eyes wide open, visibly terrified.
self Oshido tries to terrify himself, and fails.
Negative, Gesture
none A wound is making Oshido reel.
target Oshido has wounded Soma.
self Oshido hurt himself. Heal?


Negative, Opinion
none Oshido frowns, clearly angry.
target Oshido is quite angry at Soma.
self Oshido can't believe he did that, and is so angry at himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is annoyed.
target Oshido is annoyed by Soma.
self Oshido annoys everyone, including himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido can't believe people can be so arrogant.
target Oshido detects a bit of arrogance in Soma's part, perhaps?
self Oshido scorn cannot be channelled.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is ashamed of all of you.
target Oshido is ashamed of Soma.
self Oshido is ashamed of himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is bitter.
target Oshido isn't bitter, Soma, why do you ask?
self Oshido smiles bitterly.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is bored.
target Oshido thinks Soma boring.
self Oshido is bored with what he is doing.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido finds all of this rather chaotic.
target Oshido wonders if Soma finds things just as chaotic as he does.
self Oshido revels in the chaos he has created.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is cynical.
target Oshido doesn't really trust Soma.
self Oshido is proud to reach new levels of cynicism.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is depressed.
target Oshido asks Soma if he is depressed.
self Oshido could use a good listener.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is filled with despair.
target Oshido lets Soma know things are hopeless.
self Oshido gives up hope, could things get any worse.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is really disappointed.
target Oshido bows his head, disappointed in Soma.
self Oshido is disappointed in himself, and sighs.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is trinker of a bad mood.
target Oshido is mad at Soma.
self Oshido grouches while shuffling along.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido lost all her illusions.
target Oshido disillusioned Soma.
self Oshido is completely disillusioned.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido doubts it.
target Oshido questions Soma's words.
self Oshido isn't quite sure about things.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido should probably take a break.
target Oshido thinks Soma is exhausted and should take a break.
self Oshido is exhausted and needs to rest.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido looks around, they eyes filled with fear.
target Oshido fears Soma.
self Oshido fears no one but himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is visibly frustrated.
target Oshido is frustrated with Soma. Grr.
self Oshido frustrated himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido feels pathetic.
target Oshido thinks Soma is useless.
self Oshido screams. We are doomed, it's hopeless!
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is indignant.
target Oshido can't believe you said that, Soma.
self Oshido is indignant about the subject.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido could use a hug for reassurance.
target Oshido feels so insecure by Soma's side.
self Oshido is not really self-confident.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is green with envy.
target Oshido is jealous of Soma.
self Oshido burning with jealousy.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido hates everybody.
target Oshido looks at Soma with scorn and disgust.
self Oshido can't stand himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido gets obnoxious.
target Oshido thinks Soma is obnoxious.
self Oshido is so obnoxious he can barely stand himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido knows a lot of obscure things.
target Oshido tells Soma lots of tediously obscure facts.
self Oshido knows some mysterious things.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is definitely shocked by what happens around here.
target Oshido is really shocked by Soma.
self Oshido will probably be shocked.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido refuses to use his imagination.
target Oshido lectures Soma nitpickingly.
self Oshido stays narrow-minded, and likes it that way.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is in a sulky and perturbed mood.
target Oshido is perturbed by Soma.
self Oshido is feeling a bit out of sorts.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is everything but optimistic.
target Oshido doesn't think it'll work, Soma.
self Oshido knows it isn't going to work.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido pities everybody.
target Oshido gives Soma a pitying look.
self Oshido feels sorry for himself, don't mind him.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido knows he is going to regret this.
target Oshido knows Soma is going to regret it.
self Oshido is already sorry about what he did.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido accepts, reluctantly.
target Oshido follows Soma reluctantly.
self Oshido doesn't really want to do this, but does anyway.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido looks down, remorseful.
target Oshido feels bad in front of Soma.
self Oshido shows signs of remorse.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido resigns.
target Oshido gives in to Soma.
self Oshido is resigned to the inevitable.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido takes revenge.
target Oshido is preparing his revenge on Soma.
self Oshido will have his revenge! Just you wait!
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido thinks things are getting ridiculous.
target Oshido makes fun of Soma.
self Oshido makes fun of himself before someone else does.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido has selfish thoughts.
target Oshido considers Soma to be selfish.
self Oshido is being selfish right now.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is shocked.
target Oshido seems shocked by Soma.
self Oshido is too shocked to answer.
/"shut up"
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido has trouble concentrating. Could everyone please shut up?
target Oshido wants Soma to shut up.
self Oshido mutters that he should probably shut up now.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido thinks it's silly.
target Oshido says Soma is silly.
self Oshido is silly, and knows it.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is tired of all this.
target Oshido is really tired of Soma.
self Oshido is tired.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido looks worried.
target Oshido worries about Soma.
self Oshido is deeply troubled.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido looks unhappy.
target Oshido is displeased with Soma.
self Oshido is displeased with himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido does not move, and shows reluctance.
target Oshido is unwilling to comply with Soma.
self Oshido is unwilling. Try something else.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is eager for revenge.
target Oshido is vengance towards Soma.
self Oshido tries to avenge himself.
Negative, Opinion
none Oshido is a natural-born worrier.
target Oshido worries about Soma.
self Oshido worries sometimes.



Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido seems like he is about to do something, but isn't sure what.
target Oshido forgot, Soma.
self Oshido forgot something. Just doesn't know what.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido thinks caution is needed here.
target Oshido asks Soma to be careful.
self Oshido carries on, but is more careful this time.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido looks around casually.
target Oshido asks Soma is there's anything new.
self Oshido is just hanging about.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido considers the scene with a clinical look.
target Oshido observes Soma taking notes.
self Oshido examines himself.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido looks about discreetly.
target Oshido asks Soma to be discreet.
self Oshido is the very soul of discretion.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido gazes vacantly into the blue.
target Oshido is distracted by Soma.
self Oshido isn't thinking clearly right now, can you come back later?
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido gazes vacantly into the blue.
target Oshido gazes dreamily at Soma.
self Oshido looks at him dreamily.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido seems attentive.
target Oshido stares earnestly at Soma.
self Oshido stresses the importance of being attentive.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido is seized with emotion.
target Oshido tries to comfort Soma.
self Oshido could use some comfort.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido shows no emotion.
target Oshido stares at Soma absent-mindedly.
self Oshido remains emotionless. There's nothing to be said or done anymore.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido stays firm.
target Oshido is firm as concerns this point, Soma.
self Oshido is inflexible.
/"hard silence"
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido looks around in stony silence.
target Oshido stares at Soma without answering, the tension is palpable.
self Oshido is finding it hard to keep quiet.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido looks about modestly.
target Oshido was taught a lesson in humility by Soma.
self Oshido is too humble to say how modest he is.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido runs all over the place.
target Oshido is as much of a hurry as is Soma.
self Oshido is already bustling about.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido doesn't have time to waste.
target Oshido asks Soma to hurry up.
self Oshido hurries up, for people are waiting.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido is innocent.
target Oshido looks at Soma innocently.
self Oshido adjusts his halo.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido loafs about.
target Oshido calls Soma lazy.
self Oshido is loafing about right now, try later.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido gets loud and proud.
target Oshido complains that Soma is too loud.
self Oshido pumps up the volume.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido thinks he is attractive.
target Oshido mentally undresses Soma.
self Oshido thinks he is attractive, which reinforces his ego.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido feels nostalgic about the past
target Oshido evokes memories with Soma.
self Oshido recollects memories.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido waits patiently.
target Oshido is patient with Soma.
self Oshido shows patience worthy of a noble homin.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido meditates on the world.
target Oshido becomes philosophical when with Soma.
self Oshido has a few theories.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido stuts about pompously.
target Oshido calls Soma a pompous showoff.
self Oshido is full of pride. He thinks he is the best.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido radiates power.
target Oshido knows Soma is powerful.
self Oshido is the most powerful in the area!
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido looks to the sky for guidance.
target Oshido seeks enlightenment for Soma.
self It seems Oshido needs a divine intervention.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido is perfectly relaxed.
target Oshido is relaxed and thinks Soma needs to relax, too.
self Oshido always finds a way to relax.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido smiles sarcastically.
target Oshido wonders if Soma is being sarcastic.
self Oshido was being sarcastic.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido is quite sedate.
target Oshido sedates Soma.
self oshido needs to be sedated.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido gets serious.
target Oshido tells Soma to be serious.
self Oshido straightens up and acts serious.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido shifts himself, either out of suspicion or perhaps out of calculated self-interest.
target Oshido looks shiftly at Soma.
self Oshido looks around shiftly.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido does not really know.
target Oshido aims an uncertain shrug at Soma.
self Oshido was sure, but is not so sure now.
Neutral, Attitude
none Oshido is waiting.
target Oshido wants to wait for Soma.
self Oshido yells, "Wait for me!"


Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido warns everybody.
target Oshido alerts Soma.
self Oshido remembers something important
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido burps loudly.
target Oshido apologizes to Soma for burping. That was a loud one!
self Oshido burps.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido spins round in circles.
target Oshido finds Soma's instructions a bit disorienting.
self Oshido looks in every direction, but is lost.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido starts posing.
target Oshiod puts on a show for Soma.
self Oshido would make a great actor, don't you think?
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido knows they have reached their limit, so gets another dring.
target Oshido offers another drink to Soma.
self Oshido staggers around, possibly drunk.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido meticulously makes sure everything is in its place.
target Oshiod meticulously brushes a bit of dirt off Soma.
self Oshido brushes himself off.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido lets out a goofy laugh.
target Oshiod smiles goofily at Soma.
self Oshido acts pretty goofy sometimes, like right now.
/"hold on"
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido yells "Stop!"
target Oshido wants Soma to stop.
self Oshido restrains himself from doing what he desires.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido seems to pointing at something.
target Oshido points at Soma.
self Oshido points at himself. "Me."
/"point back"
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido points back.
target Oshido points back. "Back there, Soma."
self Oshido points back.
/"point front"
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido points straight ahead.
target Oshido points straight ahead of himself. "Straigh ahead, Soma."
self Oshido points straight aread. "I'm going there."
/"point left"
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido points left. That way.
target Oshido points left. "That way, Soma."
self Oshido points left. "I'm going that way."
/"point right"
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido points right. This way.
target Oshido points right. "This way, Soma."
self Oshido points right. "I'm going this way."
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido is calm.
target Oshido recovers peace when with Soma.
self Oshido stays calm.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido charges onward recklessly.
target Oshido proceeds, without regard to Soma.
self Oshido charges without thinking.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido is falling asleep.
target Oshido wonders if Soma is asleep.
self Oshido yawns and stretches. Perhaps it's time for bed.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido looks smug.
target Oshido smirks at Soma.
self Oshido smirks.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido looks surprised.
target Oshido is surprised by Soma.
self Oshido is surprised.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido is thirsty. Does anybody want a drink?
target Oshido asks Soma for something to drink.
self Oshido swigs his drink down.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido looks around warily.
target Oshido looks at Soma warily.
self Oshido looks at himself warily.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido attempts to start a Mexican wave. Come on everybody!
target Oshido waves to Soma.
self Oshido casually puts his hands up in the air.
Neutral, Gesture
none Oshido yawns his head off.
target Oshido yawns in front of Soma.
self Oshido yawns. Could be bored, could be tired.


Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido doesn't have a preference.
target Oshido tells Soma that it doesn't really matter.
self Oshido can go either way.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido doesn't care.
target Oshido knows how Soma feels, just doesn't seem to care much.
self Oshido tries really hard to care, and fails.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido thinks for a moment, but ends up confused anyway.
target Oshido admits that Soma confused him.
self Oshido has managed to confuse himself.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is curious.
target Oshido is intrigues by Soma.
self Oshido wonders about himself sometimes.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido only looks dainty and trustworthy.
target Oshido wonders how such a dainty creature as Soma can kill something so big.
self Oshido bustles in a delicate manner.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido hopes his ego isn't writing cheques his talent can't cash.
target Oshido indulges Soma's ego, not that he needs it.
self Oshido believe in himself, and in his ego.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is eaten away with envy.
target Oshido would like to be just like Soma.
self Oshido is certainly envied by everyone right now.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is faithful to no one.
target Oshido is faithful to Soma, and Soma alone.
self Oshido is faithful only to himself.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido strongly believes in what he does.
target Oshido has unswerving devotion to Soma, and Soma along.
self Oshido is a homin with a cause. Till death!
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is in a forgiving mood.
target Oshido forgives Soma.
self Oshido decides to act first, and ask for forgiveness later.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is honest, trustworthy and true.
target Oshido was simply honest with Soma.
self Oshido is always honest with himself.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido could use some food.
target Oshido looks at Soma with a starving look.
self Oshido is hungry enough to eat his equipment.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido shrugs, indifferently.
target Oshido tells Soma that things are as they are.
self Oshido is impartial.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido smiles indulgently.
target Oshido gives in to Soma, because its funny.
self Oshido is self indulgent.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido looks for the logic here.
target Oshido thinks Soma is very logical.
self Oshido seems logical to himself.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is the best, no doubt about that.
target Oshido claims Soma is a megalomaniac.
self Oshido says, "I'm just the best. No doubt about it."
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is neutral.
target Oshido is neutral on this matter, Soma.
self Oshido refuses to take a stand.
/"no clue"
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido hasn't a clue.
target Oshido looks at Soma and shrugs her shoulders, because he has no clue.
self Oshido is clueless.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is in a idling mood.
target Oshido won't do anything for Soma, let this be known.
self Oshido doesn't know what to do yet.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido gets obsessed by something... or someone.
target Oshido is obsessed with Soma.
self Oshido seems preoccupied, probably obsessed by something.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido says, Get over it.
target Oshido got over Soma.
self Oshido tells himself he is going to get over it.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is trying to understand something.
target Oshido looks at Soma with a puzzled look.
self Oshido occasionally manages to puzzle himself.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido is not ashamed.
target Oshido wonders if Soma ever felt ashamed.
self Oshido struts shamelessly.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido means what he says.
target Oshido nods sincerely to Soma.
self Oshido is sincere.
Neutral, Opinion
none Oshido turns it over in his mind
target Oshido looks at Soma thoughtfully.
self Oshido thinks about it a lot.



Positive, Attitude
none Oshido looks for someone with whom to go off in search of adventure!
target Oshido wants to go off in search of adventure with Soma.
self Oshido is off on another adventure!
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido has plenty for everyone.
target Oshido is impressed with Soma's generous nature.
self Oshido shares freely without keeping anything for himself.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido charges.
target Oshido wonders since when Soma got bloodthirsty.
self Oshido isn't frightened by the sight of blood, in fact, likes it.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido radiates serenity.
target Oshido tries to calm Soma down.
self Oshido is perfectly calm and peaceful.
/"calm down"
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido attempts to calm everyone down.
target Oshido worries about Soma and tells them to calm down.
self Oshido calms down. There's nothing to be annoyed by.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido smiles sympathetically.
target Oshido shows great compassion towards Soma.
self Oshido takes care of himself.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido goes first, to display courage.
target Oshido is inspired by Soma's courage.
self Oshido summons up all his courage.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido will fulfill his obligations.
target Oshido follows Soma, as if it were his duty.
self Oshido will carry out his duty to the best of his ability.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido thinks the situation is encouraging.
target Oshido encourages Soma.
self Oshido is encouraged.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido smiles, excited.
target Oshido is excited by Soma.
self Oshido is too excited!
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is everybody's friend.
target Oshido is Soma's friend.
self Oshido is friendly.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido tells a joke.
target Oshido says Soma is really funny.
self Oshido laughs at himself.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido shares with everyone!
target Oshido shares generously with Soma.
self Oshido distributes things not-so-evenly. One for you, one for me, two for you, one, two for me.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is here to be helpful.
target Oshido tries to help Soma.
self Oshido lends himself a hand as no one else will.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido jumps for joy.
target Oshido is happy for Soma.
self Oshido is overjoyed.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is kind to everyone. Why not?
target Oshido smiles kindly at Soma.
self Oshido remembers kindness starts with being kind to oneself.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is merciful.
target Oshido shows Soma some mercy.
self Oshido takes pity on himself.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido catches a wave.Ready to surf, dudes!
target Oshido tells Soma "Relax, dude. Watch the beach."
self Oshido looks for a beach.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido shows devotion to his host city.
target Oshido wonders if Soma displays any patriotism these days.
self Oshido waves a flag.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is in a playful mood.
target Oshido looks at Soma playfully.
self Oshido is so happy he jumps all over the place.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido waits politely.
target Oshido smiles politely at Soma.
self Oshido is too polite to do any harm to anyone.
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido is extemely tolerant.
target Oshido tolerates Soma, as far as possible.
self Oshido puts up with himself.
/"you and me"
Positive, Attitude
none Oshido knows this is just going to be the two of them out there.
target Oshido says, "It's just you and me, Soma."
self Oshido wonders if "it's just you and me", where everyone went.


Positive, Gesture
none Oshido bows respectfully.
target Oshido bows to Soma.
self Oshido bows at no one in particular, but ends up touching his toes.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido cheers everyone on.
target Oshido cheers Soma on. Go Soma!
self Oshido cheers. Yay!
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido bows in a courtly manner.
target Oshido bows to Soma in a most courtly manner.
self Oshido proceeds in a courtly manner.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido gets this party started!
target Oshido bashfully asks Soma dance ?
self Oshido is poetry in motion.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido stays calm
target Oshido notices the dignified attitude of Soma.
self Oshido acts dignified, regardless of the situation.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido exercises. One, two..
target Oshido encourages Soma to exercise.
self Oshido starts a complete training session.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido is bubbling over with happiness.
target Oshido dances with Soma, very satisfied.
self Oshido dances,unrestrained and enthusiastic.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido says, "Gimme 5!"
target Oshido gives Soma a high-five.
self Oshido gives himself a high five as no one else will.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido looks gloomy.
target Oshido is in the doldrum when thinking of Soma.
self Oshido mutters something about ruin, darkness, and destruction.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido broadlly smiles.
target Oshido grins at Soma.
self The slightest thing makes Oshido laugh, which worries everybody.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido strikes a heroic pose.
target Oshido claims Soma is a hero.
self Oshido thinks he is a genuine heroine.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido says hi.
target Oshido says to Soma, "Hi! How are you?"
self Oshido waves. Hi!
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido is ready to do something.
target Oshido turns to Soma, "Ready?"
self Oshido lets everyone know he is ready.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido tosses rice to party.
target Oshido tosses rice at Soma.
self Oshido sprinkles rice on himself to party
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido takes out the candles, flowers, and liquor.
target Oshido composes an epic and romantic ode to Soma.
self Oshido is in for something special.
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido discreetly eyes the area.
target Oshido casts a sly glance at Soma.
self Oshido wears a mocking little smile. What is he up to?
Positive, Gesture
none Oshido warmly smiles.
target Oshido warmly welcomes Soma.
self Oshido becomes animated.


Positive, Opinion
none Oshido seems to agree.
target Oshido agrees with Soma.
self Oshido knows he is right, so why argue.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido looks around, amazed.
target Oshido finds Soma never fails to amaze.
self Oshido amazes himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is amused.
target Oshido finds Soma amusing.
self Oshido amuses himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido approves. Thumbs up!
target Oshido gives Soma his approval.
self Oshido looks around for something to approve of but there is only himself, that will do!
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido gives everyone a speech, encouraging them to be brave.
target Oshido thinks Soma is very brave.
self Oshido gathers up all his courage.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido bubbles over with enthusiasm, which seems infectious.
target Oshido is amauzed at how bubbly Soma is.
self Oshido is bubbly.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido struts about confidently.
target Oshido full trusts Soma.
self Oshido has all the confidence he needs.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is happy.
target Oshido smiles contentedly at Soma.
self Oshido relaxes, and wouldn't change a thing for all the water in Tryker.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido figures out what he wants.
target Oshido knows what he wants, and it happens to be Soma.
self Oshido knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to get it.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido wouldn't say no to a little diplomacy.
target Oshido starts diplomatic relations with Soma.
self Oshido embarks on a diplomatic discussion with himself. Surprisingly, all parties come to an agreement.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is having a wicked time.
target Oshido and Soma kill themselves laughing!
self Oshido doubles up with laughter!
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido looks ready to listen.
target Oshido sympathizes with Soma. "I know just how you feel."
self Oshido is willing to lend to you sympathetically, knowing how you feel.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido seems enthusiastic.
target Oshido is very enthusiastic listening to Soma.
self Oshido is enthusiastic.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido considers everyone here family.
target Oshido considers Soma like family.
self Oshido is glad to be treated like a member of the family.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido grins. This is great!
target Oshido says Soma is a great person.
self Oshido is great. You?
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is happy.
target Oshido is happy for Soma.
self Oshido seems very pleased with himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is hope.
target Oshido looks hopefully at Soma.
self Oshido holds on to hope.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is very attentive.
target Oshido is interested in what Soma has to say.
self Oshido is interested in himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is in love.
target Oshido loves Soma.
self Oshido checks a mirror, yup, still perfectly adorable.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is loyal, brave and true.
target Oshido is 100% loyal to Soma.
self Oshido is loyal to no one but himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is nice.
target Oshido tells Soma how nice she is.
self Oshido is one of the nicest homins he knows.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido remains optimistic.
target Oshido tells Soma "Don't worry, everything will be ok."
self Oshido thinks things will be ok.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido smiles, pleased.
target Oshido is pleased with Soma.
self Oshido is clearly pleased with himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is proud and strong.
target Oshido is so proud of Soma.
self Oshido seems proud of himself.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido finds the situation reassuring.
target Oshido nods to Soma, reassured.
self Oshido has no worries, and is reassured.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is relieved.
target Oshido sighs, relieved thanks to Soma.
self Oshido feels a wave of relief wash over him.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido stays calm and respectful.
target Oshido respects Soma.
self Oshido stays calm and respectful.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido walks along the path of righteousness.
target Oshido releases a moralizing anger on Soma.
self Oshido is free from guilt or sin.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is the strongest in the area!
target Oshido bets Soma is really strong.
self Oshido flexes and poses.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido is thankful.
target Oshido is thankful for Soma.
self Oshido is thankful for being here.
Positive, Opinion
none Oshido considers things wisely.
target Oshido thinks Soma is wise.
self Oshido chooses wisely.